jell jelly jealous

hmm, hy readers ? tgk tajuk uh n tgk gmba uh ? cantek tak ? kau laa tu . haha . *jokes* actually, someone jealous on me and i hate it ! but, its not human . haha . ok, act times jealous on me u know ? i wish i can be form1 again . why ? 2reason why .
FIRST, next year im gonna be form3 . 15 huh . . n a big exam is waiting for me . dad said, do your best . start study now . dont waste your time. guys . wish me luck !
SECOND, i want to be form1 sebap aq nak rapat ngn kakax angkat aq balik . mase form1 at hostel, we always spend time together . haha. kiteorg rapat sangat, n boley dikatekan share evrything together . aq lbeyh rapat ngn dyorg dri besfrien aq sendiri . and i miss it . hmm, this year . aq tak satu dorm ngn dyorg . btwy, kax bella xdduk hostel . next year, we hope so kiteorg boleh satu dorm . hmm, hope so . last year, dyorg pmr . n now form4 laa kan ? em, dlu dyorg habes pmr . i always suruh dyorg cas my hndphone . haha . why ? sebap hostel kan takboleyh bwk nfon . n kalaw nk cas pon kne snyp snyp . takot wrden rampas . haha . n for yor info, nfon aq tak pena lagi kne rmpas . hek3 . x proud pon actually . hoho . n kiteorg p tgk wyg same same dgn boyfiee masing masing . em, xnk citer pasal boyfiee tu ok ? act, aq ad 3org kakax angkt . rmai kan ? tu sume form4 . haha, maybe sebap satu dorm kot so kiteorg pon rapat laa . hek3 . hmm, first sister , kax bella . ilove her so muchh ! hehe . dy manis sangat . meh aq tnjuk gmba dy nak ? ok, tgk bwh.

second,kax meyra . dy tnggi and also manje . mcm aq k ? haha, xlaa . n dy dduk dorm lain tahun ni . pstu kiteorg jadi kurang rpt kot . dy rpt ngan budak dorm dy . . n we have no time together . actually, aq xkesah pon . tapi awal awal tu terase laa jugak laen dy uh . ok, let see her pic .

*tak junpe pic dy sorg sorg . hek3*

third,kax erra . tapi kiteorg xrapat sgt pon sebap dy tuka dorm . . so, rapat time awal awal tahun je . n she`s so pretty .

n there`s three friends .

n also if i`m not forget, nak ucap terima kasih bebanyak kat KAX ARA . haha, sebap KAX ARA yg cun melecun ni always n always comment entry aq . . tak caye, tgk laa entry yg lepas lepas uh . mesti ad comment dy punyer . .thanks KAX ARA ! n sikit info psl KAX ARA ni .aq kenal dy sebap blog jugak laa . act, aq tegur dy dlm im . aq ckp blog dy lawa sesangatt . tapi mmg lawa pon . *KAX ARA, nurin puji ikhlas ni .* hek3 . then, dy sukarela nyee nk edit blog aq, sebap tu blog aq cun melecun ni kan kan ? thanks to KAX ARA sygss ni laa . hek3 . n to readers, thanks luangkn mase anda utk bace entry aq yg panjang ni  :D, loveyouall !
ni laa KAX ARA n encik eit dy , sweet kan ? hek3


Sarah Mnasir said...

wah.. akak cun eh ? lau cun npew ta letak pic akak besaw2 ? haha..

nurinqist said...

haha, nti kalaw letak besa besa . terkejut lak akak kan .